Saturday, December 17, 2011


Tosca Reno (in The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!) suggests boiling eggs for breakfast and other meals each day. She also suggests pouring boiling water over oatmeal and letting it set for 10 minutes. She says the oatmeal is cooked and ready to eat by then.

One egg is enough for me. Sometimes I'll boil a bunch of eggs to store in the fridge and eat one for breakfast and maybe one later on in the day. Sometimes, I like my egg fried or scrambled or poached.

With that egg, I've been having either one slice of whole grain toast with a natural nut butter (currently, that's cashew butter) or a bowl of oatmeal or multi-grain hot cereal. With an egg, a full serving of cereal is too much, so I make a little less. I've found that Tosca's method works to partially cook the oatmeal, but that it's too cool for me to eat. I still have to pop it into the microwave for about a minute. And I find I have to watch oatmeal in the microwave, as it tends to volcano rather quickly.

Other mornings (or for lunch), I'll have Fiber One pancakes (sometimes with chia seeds mixed in) with blueberries or mixed berries. And I'll top it off with a little real maple syrup, usually less than a recommended serving worth.


  1. What are chia seeds?

  2. Chia seeds small, black seeds that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. I just looked them up and they are from a plant in the mint family. They are also the seeds used to grow the "hair" on Chia Pets.
